100 Nursing Research Paper Topics

Nurses have been the backbone of the medical sector for decades now. They are responsible for ensuring that clients receive their medication and that they are cleaned up. More so, these are the individuals who are responsible for communicating with the patient’s family in regards to the health progress of the said patient. Before one can qualify to be a nurse, they have to go through rigorous training that includes following a strict timetable and handling a lot of class work. After their third year in university, nurses are required to split their time into two, so they can manage work and school duties at the same time. During this time, they have to work on their research papers and tackle at least one health problem that people suffer from. As such, they have time to come up with nursing research topics that address the issues at hand.

How to Choose Healthcare Research Topics

Nursing students work on research papers regularly, but it is not until they get to their third year that they are required to choose healthcare research topics that address some of the significant health issues that people face. This can be a bit daunting since most of these matters have been discussed before, and no lasting solution has been found. Additionally, new diseases are being discovered, which means that these nurses have to conduct researches in an attempt to solve the problems. Take a look at the critical stages of sourcing for healthcare research topics.

1. Brainstorm
You have to think hard when it comes to getting perfect topics to research on. However, you can make things easier by observing your immediate environment and singling out the health issues that most people suffer from. Once you have yourself a pool of topic ideas, sit down and select one. Use the five W’s and H to enable you to narrow down to the best. You can choose to highlight the problems, effects, reasons, benefits, and even groups responsible for the decline or increase in health.

2. Pick a doable idea
When choosing good healthcare research topics, ensure that the material for conducting research is available. Also, pick an idea that you can manage in terms of workload. Use keywords to help define the topic.

3. Be ready for adjustments
During the initial stages of choosing nursing research topics, you may find sufficient information that makes you believe you need not look for more intel. However, as you continue researching, you may discover that the information you gathered is not enough. This will force you to read more so you can get enough material to cover your topic.

4. Outline your topic into a question
Most good research topics are presented in question form. This allows the writer to answer the question and provide possible solutions to the problem at hand.

5. Research and come up with a thesis statement.`
Add more details to what you already have, then use this intel to draft a thesis statement that will guide your entire research. The thesis statement will answer the topic question that you will have formulated. It is not mandatory to have a topic that is identical to the thesis statement. However, ensure that neither of the two contradicts the other.

Where can I get Good Research Topics?

Aside from brainstorming, you can get nursing research topic ideas from the internet. You only have to visit a website that talks about nursing and pick a few keywords from there. Afterward, use these words to search for possible topics that you can work on. Just ensure that you do not pick someone else’s idea and pass it off as yours. Doing this will have you penalized for plagiarism.

In case you still can’t find a suitable topic, find educational sites that offer free nursing research topics and select one. You can modify the idea and make it unique to your situation as opposed to using it as it is. While at it, make sure that your nursing research topics are confined within the medical sector.

Scholarly Sources for Nursing Research Topics

Once you have a topic and a thesis statement, you can begin researching on this medicine topic. As a student, you need to find reliable sources of information that you can quote as a reference in your paper. Some of these can be:

• Scholarly books
These are the regular textbooks that you find in libraries. If you opt to use books, look for the latest editions since they always have newer information.

• Journals
You can also source for intel from nursing journals online. If you are a member of an online university, it is easier to access some of the memoirs written by your fellow schoolmates. If yours is a physical location college, take advantage of the online library and other internet resources that the school provides. You can also buy your journals online from book stores.

• Research
Of course, as a scholar, it is essential to conduct research and make deductions using the data you collect. Before you embark on a research project, ensure that you have enough funds to keep it running. If you have limited cash, reduce some of the research activities to ensure that the budget fits. Even so, let your research standards meet the minimum requirements.

Nursing Research Topic Ideas

Your first time coming up with fitting nursing research topic ideas can be difficult, mostly because you are clueless. Should I write about the negative implications of abortion or the high obesity rates among children, you may ask. Well, we have compiled a list of good blog topics that can guide you in looking for your preferred topic below.

Pain relief

• Top methods of dealing with ankle pain
• Home remedies of relieving pain if you are suffering from plantar fasciitis
• How to deal with pain in case of a burn
• Massage therapy and its benefits in pain relief
• The safest painkillers for children

Lifestyle diseases

• The leading habits that foster the development of lifestyle diseases
• How to manage diabetes from home
• Best treatment options for individuals suffering from cardiovascular diseases
• Medical recommendations for treating obesity
• Why more people are developing blood clots

Infant care

• Why mothers are advised to practice kangaroo breastfeeding method
• The top reasons why infants are breastfed exclusively for six months
• How to clean and take care of an ailing infant
• Baby toys and feeding items with the most germs
• The leading cause of infant mortality and how to avoid it

Meal planning

• What are the best foods to feed a person that is terminally ill?
• The best meals for school going children
• Top 10 dangerous foods that are fed to children at school
• The essence of eating more vegetables than proteins and starch
• Why is it better to eat plant-based foods as opposed to animal and manufactures ones?

Mental health

• The most ignored signs of mental illness
• What are the most common mental illnesses, and what is the best approach for addressing them?
• The stigma that comes with mental illnesses
• Mental illness risk factors that pregnant women face
• Is it possible to eliminate mental illness medically?

Terminal illnesses

• The best way to deal with a terminally ill patient
• The importance of taking a terminally sick patient for counseling
• What doctors do not tell you about taking care of a terminally ill person
• Why is it essential to have a meal plan for a terminally sick person?
• The most effective ways of reducing the side effects of medicine in terminally ailing individuals

Skin care

• What are the most life-threatening skin diseases known to man?
• Eczema: The silently torturing skin disease
• Why acne should be declared an international disaster
• The worst skin care products to use
• Why chemicals are leading more people to undergo surgery in an attempt to correct skin issues

Elderly care

• Elderly homes vs. home care: Why the elderly prefer to stay with their family
• Meals that meet the nutritional needs of an elderly person
• Top measures to take when an older person refuses to take their medicine
• Tale signs of an abused older person
• What are the reasons for defiance in the elderly?

Medical service delivery

• Why understaffing your hospital reduces the quality of service delivery to patients
• Burnout: Why is it prevalent among nurses?
• Tips for helping nurses provide better services to the sick
• The reason why nurses deserve a salary increment
• Are infectious diseases a challenge in hospitals?

Regular treatment

• The high death rate in post-surgery patient and what medics should do about it
• The untold story of drugs that most nurses abuse
• What steps can hospitals take to reduce instances of infectious diseases?
• How to keep your child from contracting pneumonia
• Why nurses should not be allowed to prescribe antibiotics without a doctor’s authorization

Our Take

Nursing research paper topics should not be difficult to find with the help of the tips above. Just ensure that you provide a twist to the idea and come up with a unique topic for your project.

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