The Ultimate Guide On How To Write A Memo Essay

memo essay

Memos, short form for memorandums, are common types of communication, especially in business settings. In practice, people use memos to provide directives, answer questions and provide information. It is a brief message from a person, department, or company to another. So, when you are faced with a memo essay type of assignment, how do you go about it?

This post is a comprehensive guide on how to write a memo essay to help you become a pro writer. We will also provide you with the definition of a memo, sample, writing tips, and answer the question: “What is memo format?”

What is a Memo?

Before diving into the mechanics of writing a memo essay, it is important to start with the basics.

A memo is a short written notice usually done by management of an organization to address a specific issue.

Memos can be classified into several groups:

  • Directive memos.
  • Status memos.
  • Field report memos.
  • Response memos.
  • Suggestion memos.

In an academic setting, a memo is a form of academic assignment used to help students hone their communication skills. You will need these skills later when you work in companies or government departments.

How to Write a Good Memo Essay

The secret to writing a great memo is ensuring you are as clear as possible. In many cases, memos are written to address specific issues. Therefore, your selection of words, sentences, and the message should be as clear as possible. Here are some useful tips to help you write a top-notch memo style paper.

  • Keep the memo short: If you make the memo lengthy, it will become tiresome, and the message might not be delivered as anticipated. Therefore, summarize the memo as much as possible without omitting any detail.
  • Make sure to use simple English: The goal of a memo is to ensure that even if the target audience takes a single glance, the message will be delivered. Therefore, avoid jargon and complex sentences.
  • Use captivating heading for the memo: An attractive heading will easily attract the audience. For example, you can bold the heading or use a highly reflective color.
  • Avoid grammar and sentence errors: Like any other type of academic writing, you need to ensure that your memo does not have errors such as typos, clichés, and running sentences. Therefore, make sure to proofread the memo essay so that the grammar is okay and message clear.
  • Hone your skills: To be able to write a good memo, it is important to practice your writing skills as much as possible. Therefore, make sure to check and follow another top memo essay example to see how experts do it.

Memorandum Essay Format

When you write a memo and post on a board, what distinguishes it from others is its format. As you sit down to craft your memo, it is crucial also to learn how to write a memo format. So here is one of the best formats for writing your memo:


The heading comes at the top of the page and should be done in bold letters. You should use the header to give the document identity.

  • Recipient address

Below the header, you should provide the address of the recipient. Make sure to be official and write a specific name or group of people targeted by the memo.

  • Sender

After writing the sender details, you should indicate the sender. Ensure to write your name as well as your position in the organization.

  • The date

The date of the memo should come immediately below the sender’s details. Note that this highlights when the memo was sent and should help to distinguish it from other memos on the notice board.

  • Title

The title follows the date and helps to indicate what the memo is about. By simply looking at the title, readers can have an idea of what the memo is talking about. Make sure to align the heading content to the left and use the right spacing.


When it comes to the body of the memo, you should try to keep it short by sticking to the main point. Here are some useful points to help you write the body of a memo essay:

  • Think about your readers. These are the people you are the addressee in the memo. Once you understand the targeted readers, make sure to use the right language that suits them.
  • Go straight to the point. After deciding the goal of writing the memo, leave out salutations, and go directly to the point.
  • Provide a small background about the issue at hand. Once you address the problem under consideration, offer some reasons for the implementation of your recommendations. This can be in the form of bullets or numbers.
  • Close the memo with a summary. This is a summary of the points you have brought out in the memo. Make the summary as positive as possible.
  • Lastly, sign the memo to make it look official.

Memorandum Essay Example

To provide you with a clearer picture of how to write a memo paper, take a closer look at the memo paper example below. Note how the header content is arranged and spaced.


To: All Students Pursuing Accounting Courses at the University.

From: The Dean, School of Business,

Date: January 7, 2020.

Subject: Submission of Your Final Project.

It has come to my notice that most of you are yet to submit the final year projects, which is very important at this juncture because it determines if you are going to graduate this year or not. In the past, I have seen this problem, and students came crying after discovering that they are missing from the graduation list.

Note that your project accounts for 40% of the final grade and, therefore, should be taken seriously. On this note, the department has put a deadline of March 20, 2020. Students who will not have submitted their projects by the close of the deadline will have to wait for another full academic year before being able to graduate.

You are advised to submit your project on time. We do not want you to suffer when graduation finally comes. Thanks in Advance

Yours sincerely,


The Dean

When to Seek Writing Assistance

Using the above guide and sample, go ahead and start working on your memo. However, if you are finding it hard to craft the essay, do not hesitate to seek assistance. Often, students find it hard to write a memo format paper because of the following reasons:

  • Tight deadlines.
  • Poor writing skills.
  • Complex topics.
  • Other engagements.

No matter the reason making you feel nervous or stressed about memo essay, you should know that a helping hand is only a click away. Professional writing assistance is offered by experts who understand how to write a memo for a research paper and guarantee you top grades. You can never go wrong with expert writers.